The Applicant consents to the collection, use and disclosure of their personal data and training records to companies that access the Ministry of Manpower (MOM)’s Training Record System (TRS). Companies using the Check Workers’ WSH Training Records eService found at the MOM website can then verify the applicant’s training records, including the following information:
a. Identification Number (Work Permit Number/FIN Number/NRIC Number)
b. Name
c. Eligibility for 4 years of Safety Orientation Course (CSOC/SSIC/MSOC) certification, if applicable
d. Course title
e. Name of Training Provider
f. Date of Assessment
g. Certificate Expiry Date
h. Result of Assessment
101 Neythal Road Singapore 628589
Tel : (65) 9625 6080
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3 Shan Road Singapore 328104
Tel : (65) 9625 6080
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45 Sungei Kadut Loop Singapore 729495
Tel : (65) 9625 6080
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